Saturday, May 21, 2011

One True Love 36


Your features like your colors

Are forever

Fading and dissolving

And shimmering anew

In varied hues

And volumes and folds –

Layers and layers

Receding and resurging –

Flashes of the hidden you

Behind the terraced avenues,

Beneath the arabesque shadows

Of trees –

Like an Escher print

You present all

Sides and angles, and which

End is up is never known.

"15, Your features like your colors" was first published in Two Wholes Make It Total, 1978.  The persona expresses the mystery presented by his new true love.  This poem is the last of fifteen for the new true love; both he and she knew that their union was not permanent, that they were meant to be together for the things they had to learn, that each buoyed the other for a new life centered on their lives' missions.
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