Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Night of Record Sex

Under Orgasmic Neon Lights

I became the blue boy
Krishna coming on earth,
And you were black Kali
Swathed in heat and fire,
In the guise of a cow girl.

The satyric door opened and closed;
The Olympian floods began—
Our bodies arching
Over time and reason
To pound and smooth
Ourselves into ecstasy.

We were all opened and entered,
Pushed and pulled, until
We became indistinguishable
From a tangle of night crawlers
Up gorged from plutonic depths.

Our energies flowed into each other
And accepted novice time
As perpetuity.

We had no clue
We were setting records
In a motel room
In Tallahassee
That one night
Of love forever.

September 2010

This is a tribute to a person who will remain unnamed although if she reads this, she will know the poem concerns her and one night we had together.  I haven't discussed the poem with her and do not feel I should name her without her consent.

By the way, I finished the mystery and it was published last month: Secret Partner.

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