Sunday, April 17, 2011

One True Love 28


If I were desert, you would be the rain;
And my too quiet solitude would thirst
For winds and waters cooling to the plain
That stretches dry and barren, wrinkled, cursed.

Then you, at first a darkening sky who throws
Hope’s shadows on my countenance, advance
With faint, slow rustlings, lay your breeze which blows
Upon my cheek of land, arouses dance

Within my soul. First softly, quicker now,
The rains begin and soon are pelting down.
Within my skin the soothing waters flow.
And yes! If only let, in love I’d drown!

And then, like deserts real which rain does groom,
My passion grows, my adoration blooms.

"Sonnet X" was first published in Son(love)nets, 1975.  It is the last of the ten sonnets to my one true love that I wrote monthly until the relationship began to shake and shimmy as if produced by a rumble under the earth.  "Sonnet X" was subsequently published in Monsters in a Half-Way House, 1981, and later won honorable mention in a B.Dalton Bookseller poetry contest (1984).
The persona is still clearly in love and his love is expressed both romantically and sexually and is brought forth by the beloved just as the rain brings renewal to the desert landscape.

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