Friday, June 10, 2011

Putkwyz, Ch.15 "Polimeer"



The next day I woke again to a moving ship, cleaned myself and donned the ambassadorial uniform. I knew that I should be prepared to play my role.

Once again, I located Mawgri at the video screen in the communications room, but he was switching off the screen as I entered, so he stood and looked at me. He said, “Ready to go, I see.”

“What’s the plan for today?”

“Polimeer and King Golmon.”

“Anything new in the war?”

“Yes, Ladimeer is suing for a separate peace.”


“And it’s true what King Vingki told us yesterday: rebellions are breaking out all over Radimeer. The center around the capital is suffering food and fuel riots. No one knows where Emperor Kra is. The southwest section of Radimeer, in which is located the highest concentration of believers in Kandizam, is proclaiming itself a ‘Republic of Zacon.’ The northwest coastal and island region, which has the most highly educated population, has seceded from the empire and has declared itself ‘The Northern Republic of Radimeer.’ Other minorities say they are joining their territories with Winimeer, Sobimeer or Polimeer. And, of course, the central breadbasket has announced it is now called Takimeer, a country separate from Radimeer. Saca and Kunwyz welcome these developments, but are pressing their attacks to keep the pressure on the emperor to abdicate.”

“It sounds as if he will have little choice but to do so, don’t you think?”

“Truly, the empire is finished even if Kra maintains control of the central territory of the Radimeen. Without the hydroelectric energy from the mountains and the major oil fields in the south and the major food producing regions, Radimeer can no longer generate funds to build a huge army or navy or air force.”

* * *

Luvark went with us to Zeveno, the beautiful capital of Polimeer. The city, situated on the southern center coast, is renowned for its canals that connect every part of the city to the center where are Zeveno Fortress and the government buildings. The canals carry most of the traffic in the city, although old bridges are being reinforced and new ones being built and the streets widened to accommodate car and truck and bus traffic. Along all the canals are pedestrian walks planted with shade trees and fruit trees and along which all the buildings have colorful awnings; this promenade is interrupted at spaced intervals by docking and mooring areas.

Mawgri told us that King Golmon was renowned for his generosity toward and love of his people. He, as Sacacon had done, had begun a program of education and democratization. “In fact, the kingdom’s various counties have already elected representatives who are scheduled to meet as a body for the first time as soon as the Radimeen crisis has passed. King Golmon is aging and knows that democracy is the future that will bring prosperity and pride to his people. Besides, from what I’ve heard, his three sons are not reliable heirs to his kingdom; some believe the king has overindulged his princes.”

The green-and-red scaled Putkurs of Polimeer are famous for their trade economy, based on fishing and shipping and crafts; they work hard and play hard, producing tableware, furniture, and decorations prized throughout the planet. During warm weather, they sponsor a carnival that is famous for its suspension of laws during the five days of the celebration. Only premeditated murder or treason is prosecuted during that time. “Some call it a heyday for thieves and drunkards and roués, but if a property owner shoots a thief, he would not be prosecuted, so theft is usually limited to pickpockets and burglars and con artists. The rule is ‘The celebrant bewares.’”

During carnival, street theater is a popular form of entertainment. Actors in stock characters perform improvisational comedies. In fact, of all the nations, Polimeer is renowned for its theaters in which are portrayed both comedies and tragedies. Playwrights who win the annual national prize are hailed as heroes, and actors are revered as interpreters of the Putkur spirit and soul.

We went there not during the time of carnival, but during a time of war. Our ship set down in the war-damaged city center, and the three of us walked past bomb craters and the crumpled national theater building to the king’s villa devoid of guards, and we found a crownless and distraught King Golmon standing by himself in a deserted throne room. He paced, bit his lip, wrung his hands, sighed and rolled his eyes. Since his side was winning the war, we wondered at his distress.

After brief introductions, Mawgri asked, “Forgive me, Majesty, but something seems to be weighing on your mind. Is there anything we can do?”

The king said, anguish twisting his words, “Yes—abort all my babies—but it’s too late for that!”

Luvark, Mawgri, and I were shocked by his words. Mawgri pulled out his communicator and ordered the ship to climb out of gun range just in case. No sooner had he done that than armed officers entered the room. They were dressed in the green uniforms of Polimeer, but they did not seem to be protecting us; rather their weapons were pointed at us.

The king covered his green-and-red face and muttered, “Shame, shame on my family’s name!”

Mawgri said, “Gentlemen, what’s the meaning of this?”

A young officer stepped forward and said in Putkeen, “[Give us any arms that you have.]”

Mawgri and I held our hands out to show we had brought no weapons. Mawgri said, “Luvark, give them your pistol.”

Reluctantly, Luvark unholstered the pistol and handed it to the officer, but Luvark, fierce soldier that he was, couldn’t restrain saying, “Scoundrels, in a fair fight, I would take all of you.”

The young officer stepped back and grinned. Another officer stepped forward and ordered, “[Bind their arms.]”

Still not understanding what was going on, we had our wrists tied with rope. After that the officers searched us and took our communicators and money. Then we, including King Golmon, were led out to a green military truck at the rear of the villa and made to lie down in the back of the truck, which smelled of gasoline and gunpowder. One guard sat in the truck in the dark with us. I tried to ask Mawgri what he thought was happening, but the guard placed his boot on my jaw and said in Putkeen, “[No talking.]”

The truck’s motor started and it began rolling. We bounced and banged on the floor as the truck sped through the city.

When the truck finally stopped, we four were herded out and onto a four-engine passenger plane standing on a runway. The plane’s engines were running as we were pushed into seats and strapped down.

I was near a window and looked out. I could distinguish a silver oval high above the city—Mawgri’s ship. As I watched, four single-engine planes with green eggs on their wings began attack runs at the silver ship. I could see flashes and tracers from the attacking fighters. The ship moved up quickly and expelled quick bursts of light waves, each one striking and exploding in turn each of the four Radimeer fighters. Obviously, the emperor of Radimeer was not finished yet.

The plane we were in moved forward; its engines roared and soon we were hurtling down the runway. The plane crawled into the sky, clawing for altitude. I looked at the other prisoners and knew that none of us knew where we were heading. Our fate was uncertain.

The plane’s course was inland over the continent of Luka, so I thought we were being taken to Radimeer. However, we didn’t stop; we crossed the mountain range between Radimeer and Sobimeer. We passed over Ladimeer and its smoking coastal cities. We flew out into the great ocean, over the Great Reef and the Foaming Sea and the Lava Islands. We passed the tip of a large island and flew on and on.

We fell asleep. We woke. We were given water and some bread. We slept again. We woke. Again we were given bread and water. Night came, falling like a shroud over the lone plane buzzing high above the planet. We slept again.

End of Chapter 15

Events have taken a turn for the worse.

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