Friday, January 7, 2011

One True Love 4

Sonnet II

Your love’s phased out, darkly, like the new moon,
And, patient, I await its far return.
The month-long day creeps slowly on in tune
With old drummers who no quick beat can learn.

Your smile and heart are in solar eclipse,
And darkness lies on the romantic realm.
The deep, thick time mute groans, unwieldy limps.
My heart in shadowless sea grabs close its helm.

Your touch is frozen with winter’s cold grip.
The view is frosted with a grayish haze.
Each minute, day-by-day, in icy strips
A chilling bite across my forehead lays

Then suddenly through requiem of time,
Sun shines, moon glows, spring blooms, and you are mine.

"Sonnet II" was published in the booklet Son(love)nets, 1975.  It is also a Shakespearean sonnet, although with some slant rhyme.  My love was moody, and in her moods could not be moved by anything external to her own desires.  The persona is baffled by this moodiness, but is elated when it dissipates.

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